Community Servers

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Server configuration is currently very early in development and as such you may encounter issues whilst setting everything up. We're also aware of features that are currently missing (such as an rcon-like remote admin tool). Please bear with us as we continue to develop the game as well as the community servers/tools. Currently you NEED to have the server exposed to the internet in order to connect to it. We are working on getting the LAN support up and running asap.


Updated 16/03/2018

We now distribute our community servers via Steam. Please use the following command in steamcmd to download (includes both Windows + Linux builds):

app_install 805140



We have been testing our build on a machine running Ubuntu 17.04. Just copying the server files, make sure the server binary has the correct permissions and run the following with the launch parameters defined in the Launching section:



Just unpack/copy the server files to your desired location and run the following with the launch parameters defined in the Launching section:


Firewalls / Port Forwarding

At the moment the server will need four ports opened. As we develop new and interesting features over time it might be an idea to make sure that 5 ports from the base port are free.

When you specify -PORT on the server command line (see below) you are telling the server it is okay to listen on ports:

PORT Game Port
PORT+1 Steam Connection Port
PORT+3 You can change the Query port as you see fit however we normally set it to PORT+3


Launching the server is currently not as intuitive as we'd like, however we would like to fix it up asap. We've included a script in both the Linux and Windows packages called and Run.bat respectively. You should only need to edit the IP and port information in those scripts before running them to get your server up and running. For more advanced admins / integration engineers, below is an example of how we run our Linux version at the studio:

./Battalion/Binaries/Linux/BattalionServer /Game/Maps/Final_Maps/Derailed?Game=/Script/ShooterGame.BombGameMode?listen -broadcastip="<EXTERNAL_IP>" -PORT=<DESIRED_PORT> -QueryPort=<DESIRED_PORT + 3> -log -logfilesloc="/home/bulkbuild/logs" -userdir="/home/bulkbuild/userdir" -defgameini="/home/bulkbuild/DefaultGame.ini"

/Game/Maps/Final_Maps/Derailed?Game=/Script/ShooterGame.BombGameMode?listen You are required to add a map & mode to launch the server with, but this is NOT USED to determine what map and mode list your server runs.
-broadcastip="<EXTERNAL_IP>" This is your internet facing address. This is used by others to connect to your server.
-PORT=<DESIRED_PORT> This is the "base port" of the server. Specifically, this is the one players use to connect to the game.
-QueryPort=<DESIRED_PORT + 3> This is the "Query port" which helps steam and other services query your server for its current state.
-log This can be used to allow messages to be printed to the system console. Right now there is only one or two messages regarding the anti-cheat initialization.
-logfilesloc="/home/bulkbuild/logs" This tells the server where to print out some logs to. Not required.
-userdir="/home/bulkbuild/userdir" This tells the server where to save out some files to. This is useful as this is where crash logs will be saved out to.
-defgameini="/home/bulkbuild/DefaultGame.ini" This is the key command for most admins as the file referenced here will configure all of the game and map/mode behavior of the server.


Documentation for developing JSON based RCon tools is included in the folder structure of the the download. This also includes an example tool we developer along with the RCon API.

The documentation includes and email address you can send requests for added functionality to.

Map and Mode Rotation

Under the heading


in the DefaultGame.ini supplied you will see the following:


Add or remove maps/modes in this list to control your rotations. To have a random mix of maps and modes set the following variable to True: RandomMapRotationEnabled and it will choose a random mode every map change.

I Want the Aim Map!

Cool! Just add the following to the MapRotation:


Server + Game Configuration

Below is a list of all config variables that can be changed, along with their category and a description of what they do.

UseDecideTeamRound Wartide Initial round of the game that doesn't count towards score. The winning team will receive a vote to decide which team they want to start on.
DecideTeamRoundIsKnifeOnly Wartide If the decide team round (see: UseDecideTeamRound) is active, only melee attacks will be available.
DecideRoundTime Wartide The length of time that the decide team round (see: UseDecideTeamRound) will last.
UseOvertime Wartide If set to true, when the match results in a draw, overtime will start using
NumOvertimeRounds Wartide The total number of rounds in overtime. The first team to reach half the total plus one will win. If the total is reached without one team hitting this number, it will be a draw or overtime (if enabled).
PlantTime Wartide The time that it takes to plant the bomb.
DefuseTime Wartide The time that it takes to defuse the bomb.
FuseTime Wartide The time that is takes for the bomb to explode after it has been planted.
DistanceToPlant Wartide The distance there needs to be between the player with the bomb and the bomb site until they can plant.
DistanceToDefuse Wartide The distance there needs to be between the player and the bomb until they can defuse.
DistanceToPickupBomb Wartide The distance there needs to be between the player and the bomb until they can pick it up.
DefuseEndsRound Wartide Whether or not defusing the bomb instantly ends the round.
AttackingTeam Wartide Changes which team attacks first. 0 = Allies attack, 1 = Axis attack
EnableCoinDrop Wartide If a coin is dropped at the location of a killed player or if the killer is immediately credited with a coin.
NumInitialTokensPlayer Wartide The number of tokens players start the match with.
NumTokensForKill Wartide The worth of the coin dropped by a dead player is killed regularly.
NumTokensForKnifeKill Wartide The worth of the coin dropped by a dead player is killed with a melee attack.
NumTokensForPistolKill Wartide The worth of the coin dropped by a dead player is killed with a pistol.
NumTokensForHeadshotKill Wartide The worth of the coin dropped by a dead player is killed with a headshot.
NumTokensForGrenadeKill Wartide The worth of the coin dropped by a dead player is killed with a grenade.
NumTokensForWallbangKill Wartide The worth of the coin dropped by a dead player is killed with a wallbang.
NumTokensForPlant Wartide Number of tokens a player receives when they plant the bomb.
NumTokensForDefuse Wartide Number of tokens a player receives when they defuse the bomb.
NumTokensForRoundWin Wartide Number of tokens a player receives if the team they're on wins the round.
MaxPlayerTokens Wartide Max number of tokens a player can have in their wallet.
RoundComebackTokens Wartide Number of tokens a player receives if they're on the losing team.
DistanceToFlagTouch Capture The Flag The distance there needs to be between the player and the flag until they can interact with it.
DistanceToFlagZone Capture The Flag The distance there needs to be between the player and the flag site base until they can interact with it.
DropFlagDisablePickupCounter Capture The Flag The length of time that you cannot pick up the flag again after dropping it.
DistanceToZone Domination The distance there needs to be between the player and the domination point until they can start capturing it.
CaptureTime Domination The time that it takes to capture a domination zone from start to finish.
CooldownTime Domination The time that it takes for the zone capture progress to reset when no players are present.
ScoreInterval Domination The time that it takes for 1 point to be added to the team that control the point.
CaptureScore Domination The score a team receives for capturing a point.
WeaponSelectGracePeriod Team Deathmatch The time from a player's first spawn where they can select a weapon. Select a weapon after this time will spawn you with it on your next respawn.
EndOnMatchPointWin Team Deathmatch If set to true, the match will end when a team reaches match point. If false, it will play out all rounds (see: NumRounds).
ServerName Server The name of the server that will appear on the server browser and the in-game scoreboard.
PlayMode Server Use 'Arcade' for arcade game modes and 'Unranked' for Wartide.
ShouldTryBalanceTeamsOnJoin Server If true, the server will attempt to balance the teams when starting a new game. Note that this does not take score into account.
Password Server The password for the server.
RandomMapRotationEnabled Server If true, the game will ignore the order of the maps in rotation (see: MapRotation).
MapRotation Server The maps that will rotate when each game finishes. Example: ("Liberation","Derailed","Manorhouse_V1").
ModeRotation Server The modes that will be rotated when each game finished. Example: .
AdminSteamIDs Server Steam IDs of all players that can access console commands.
DedServerMaxTickRate Server This the maximum tick rate of the server.
bAllowGlobalVoiceChat Server Whether or not to allow voice chat in the server.
bCheatAdminCmdsEnabled Server Whether or not admins (see: AdminSteamIDs) are allows to use cheat commands.
StratMode Server Enabling StratMode allows for various training abilities to become available such as the ability to follow the path of grenades/smokes that you throw.
loggingEnabled Server If enabled, the game will log various events to a file.
logLocation Server The file path that the game will log events to (see LoggingEnabled).
MarketPath Server File path to the JSON weapon market.
PlayerKillScore Score The score value of a standard kill.
PlayerAssistScore Score The score value of an assist.
TeamKillScore Score The score value of a teamkill.
TeamAssistScore Score The score value of assisting a teamkill.
DeathScore Score The score value of dying.
RoundWinScore Score The score value of winning a round.
RoundDrawScore Score The score value of drawing a round.
RoundLossScore Score The score value of losing a round.
GameWinScore Score The score value of winning the game.
GameDrawScore Score The score value of drawing the game.
GameLossScore Score The score value of losing the game.
AttackObjectiveScore Score The score value of attacking an objective. For example: Planting the bomb or capturing the flag.
DefendObjectiveScore Score The score value of defending an objective. For example: Defusing the bomb or returning the flag.
ScoreToWinRound Game The score required to win the round, this would be 1 in wartide and any chosen amount in arcade modes.
NumRounds Game The total number of rounds in the match.
SwapSidesRound Game The round number at which the half time side swap occurs.
NumTeams Game The number of teams in the match.
StartType Game The requirement for starting the match. 'ReadyUp' to enforce every player needing to ready up before starting the game. 'PlayerCount' to start the game when the number of players reached the required amount (see: RequiredPlayers).
MaxPlayersPerTeam Game The maximum amount of players allowed in a team.
NumNations Game The number of nations in the match.
FriendlyFire Game Enable to be able to deal damage to friendly players.
MaxGunsOnGround Game Maximum number of guns that can exist on the floor before they begin to get despawned.
MaxGrenadesOnGround Game Maximum number of grenades/smokes that can exist on the floor before they begin to get despawned.
RequiredPlayers Game Required number of players needed to start the match during the 'PlayerCount' start type (see: StartType).
RespawnDelay Game Time between dying and respawning.
AutoBalanceEnabled Game If enabled, when starting a new game the server attempts to balance the teams according to player scores.
CountdownToStartTime Timing Time it takes to start the match after the start requirements have been met (see: StartType).
SetupRoundTime Timing Time allowed for purchasing weapons in the buy phase of rounds in Wartide.
StratTime Timing Time allowed between purchasing weapons and starting the round.
RoundTime Timing The length of time that each round lasts.
PostRoundTime Timing The length of time between the result of that round and the next start, whether that is the start of the next round or the end of the match.
WarmupRespawnTime Timing Sets the respawn time for the warmup phase.
PostMatchTime Timing The length of time for the post match state. This state being the one when the scoreboard shows at the end of the match.
TimeUntilTravel Timing The length of time between the post match scoreboard state and traveling to the next game.
WaitingToStartTimer Timing If StartType is set to 'PlayerCount' and the play mode is 'Competitive', the server will kick all players and travel to a new game when the game time reaches this value.
VoteTime Timing The length of time that in-game votes last.
VoteKickEnabled Timing Whether or not players are able to vote kick other players.
IdleCasualServerTime Timing The time that players are able to stay idle before getting kicked.
CharacterDestroyTime Timing The length of time that characters stay in game after dying until they are cleaned up.
OutlineAllowed Spectator If enabled, spectators can toggle xray mode, allowing them to see outlines around players at all times.
GrenadeLinesAllowed Spectator If enabled, spectators can toggle an option to see line trails that follow the trajectory or thrown grenades / smokes.
LockedToFirstPerson Spectator Whether players are locked in first person mode when the spectate their team after dying.
SpectatorTransferTime Spectator Time it takes to move into spectator mode after dying. As long as this time is less than the respawn time (see: RespawnDelay), the player will be made to spectate their team after this time.
SpectatorTeamEnabled Spectator Whether or not players are allowed to transfer on to the spectator team.
SelfGrenadeDamageScale Damage Scales How much damage a thrown grenade does to the player that threw it. 0 = None, 1 = Normal, 2 = Double
SelfOtherDamageScale Damage Scales How much damage you take from fall damage an other methods of causing damage to yourself. 0 = None, 1 = Normal, 2 = Double
FriendlyBulletDamageScale Damage Scales How much damage bullets do to friendly players if friendly fire (see: FriendlyFire) is enabled. 0 = None, 1 = Normal, 2 = Double
FriendlyGrenadeDamageScale Damage Scales How much damage grenades do to friendly players if friendly fire (see: FriendlyFire) is enabled. 0 = None, 1 = Normal, 2 = Double
DisableWeaponDrop Misc If this is enabled, players do not drop weapon when they die.
AllPlayersInvulnerable Misc If enabled, all players take no damage.
NumBots Bots The number of bots that spawn in at the start of the game. The game will distribute the bots evenly to each team.
FillEmptySlotsWithBots Bots If true, the game will fill empty slots with bots (see: MaxPlayersPerTeam).

Changing Loadouts

Locate the Loadouts directory inside the server package. Here you can create your own loadout json file (we would recommend duplicating one of the existing ones) and then reference the name inside the DefaultGame.ini.

This section will be filled out more thoroughly in the coming weeks.

Server Admin Commands

First you need to add your steam guid to the AdminSteamIDs array variable. This could look like:


See below for a mix of official and dev/debug commands. Not all commands are listed and those that are may or may not exist in future versions.

All start with "Server."

Note: If confused about the references to team 0 and team 1: a quick way to find out which is which is by checking the team select menu. The team on the left is always team 0 and the team on the right is always team 1.

Server.Config.<Config Name> <Desired Value> Edit the value of any config variable. Note that some changes will not take effect immediately. Server.Config.RoundTime 120
Server.Restart Restarts the server with its current settings.
Server.Shutdown Closes down the server.
Server.State <Desired State> Transfers the server directly into the desired state. Server.State SetupRound
Server.Pause Pauses the server's timer. Players are still allowed to move and interact in this time. Purely used to stop the game timer.
Server.EndRound Ends the current round in a draw.
Server.WinRound Wins the round for the player's team that typed the command. Note: Do not use when on the spectating team.
Server.LoseRound Loses the round for the player's team that typed the command. Note: Do not use when on the spectating team.
Server.LoadNextGame Loads the next game. The next game is defined in the Map and Mode rotation configs.
Server.ChangeMap.<Map Name> <Mode Name> Loads the server into the selected map and mode. Server.ChangeMap Liberation WRT
Server.AutoBalance This command instantly calls the server's autobalance function that is usually called between games. The server will attempt to balance the teams bases on players' current score.
Server.Announce <Message> Gives every player in the game an on-screen message. Server.Announce The server will be closing in 5 minutes.
Server.Invulnerable Makes the player that typed the command invulnerable.
Server.GiveWeapon <Weapon Name> <Skin ID> <Weapon Slot> Give yourself a weapon with a specfic skin in a specific weapon slot. Server.GiveWeapon Kar_98k -1 0
Server.GiveWeaponToPlayer <Weapon Name> <Skin ID> <Steam ID> <Weapon Slot> Use another player's steam ID to give them a weapon in a specific weapon slot. Server.GiveWeapon Kar_98k -1 12345678901234567 0
Server.GiveGrenade <Amount> Give yourself an amount of frag grenades. Server.GiveGrenade 50.
Server.GiveSmokeGrenade <Amount> Give yourself an amount of smoke grenades. Server.GiveSmokeGrenade 50
Server.GiveGrenadeToPlayer <Steam ID> <Amount> Use another player's steam ID to give them an amount of frag grenades. Server.GiveGrenadeToPlayer 12345678901234567 1
Server.GiveSmokeGrenadeToPlayer <Steam ID> <Amount> Use another player's steam ID to give them an amount of smoke grenades. Server.GiveSmokeGrenadeToPlayer 12345678901234567 2
Server.GiveAmmo <Amount> Give yourself an Amount of ammo. Note that this can only fill the ammo to the max ammo for that weapon. Server.GiveAmmo 999
Server.DisconnectAll Kick all connected clients from the server.
Server.AddBot <Amount> Add an amount of bots to the server. The server will split the added bots 50/50 starting from the axis side. Server.AddBot 10
Server.AddBot <Amount> <Team> Add an amount of bots to a specific team. Server.AddBots 5 0
Server.KillBots Remove all bots from the server. Note that if the config variable FillEmptySlotsWithBots is true, this command will not remove the bots that are filling the empty slots on each team.
Server.KickPlayerByName <Name> Kicks any players with the given name from the server, Server.KickPlayerByName JohnSmith123
Server.KickPlayerBySteamID <Steam ID> Kicks the player with the given steam ID from the server. Server.KickPlayerBySteamID 12345678901234567
Server.ListPartyMembers Lists your current party members in the console.
Server.ChangeToTeam <Team> Changes you to a specific team. Server.ChangeToTeam 0
Server.SwapSides Swap the sides just like it would do at half time.
Server.SetTeamOneScore <Score> Sets the score of team one. Server.SetTeamOneScore 8
Server.SetTeamTwoScore <Score> Sets the score of team two. Server.SetTeamTwoScore 10

Cmd.GetPlayerStats will dump out the entire session player info.


Blacklisting is currently an option through use of the RCon tool. This generates a file that you can manually add to if you so desire.


You can search the server browser for games (filters coming soon!) or you type the following:

connect <IP>:<PORT>

and if you have a password:

connect <IP>:<PORT> password <PASSWORD>

Tips + Troubleshooting

Your server will take at least one minute to appear in the list. Please make sure you wait for this period when troubleshooting issues.

Known Issues

Your server may disappear from the server list when it is transitioning to a new map. This is a known issue and will be fixed asap.