Community Servers

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Revision as of 05:33, 31 January 2018 by Devkev (talk | contribs) (Launching)
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Either grab from steam or download from



We have been testing our build on a machine running Ubuntu 17.04. Just copying the server files, make sure the server has the correct permissions and run:



Just unpack/copy the server files to your desired location and run:



Launching the server is currently not as intuitive as we'd like, however we would like to fix it up asap. Below is an example of how we run our Linux version at the studio (Windows would have the same parameters):

./Battalion/Binaries/Linux/BattalionServer /Game/Maps/Final_Maps/Derailed?Game=/Script/ShooterGame.BombGameMode?listen -broadcastip="<EXTERNAL_IP>" -PORT=8020 -QueryPort=8023 -log -logfilesloc="/home/bulkbuild/logs" -userdir="/home/bulkbuild/userdir" -defgameini="/home/bulkbuild/DefaultGame.ini"

/Game/Maps/Final_Maps/Derailed?Game=/Script/ShooterGame.BombGameMode?listen You are required to add a map & mode to launch the server with, but this is NOT USED to determine what map and mode list your server runs.
broadcastip="<EXTERNAL_IP>" This is your internet facing address. This is used by others to connect to your server.
PORT=8020 This is the "base port" of the server. Specifically, this is the one players use to connect to the game.
QueryPort=8023 This is the "Query port" which helps steam and other services query your server for it's current state.
log This can be used to allow messages to be printed to the system console. Right now there is only one or two messages regarding the anti-cheat initialization.
logfilesloc="/home/bulkbuild/logs" This tells the engine where to print out some logs to. Not required.
userdir="/home/bulkbuild/userdir" This tells the engine where to save out some files to, specifically of interest (and us!) is that this is where crash logs will be dumped.

Map and Mode Rotation

Game Mode Configuration

Server Admin Commands

See below for a mix of official and dev/debug commands. Not all commands are listed and those that are may or may not exist in future versions.

All start with "Server."

Config.<CONFIG_NAME> <VALUE> Change server config values
Restart Restart the server
Shutdown Shutdown the server
EndRound Force end the round
Pause Pause the game - use again to unpause
WinRound Force win the round
LoseRound Force lose the round
LoadNextGame Load the next map/mode in the rotation
ChangeMap <MAP> <MODE> Change to a map + mode
Announce <MESSAGE> Announce a message to everyone in the server
Invulnerable Make yourself invulnerable
GiveWeapon <WEAPON NAME> Give a specified weapon to yourself
GiveGrenade <NUM> Give a grenade to yourself
GiveSmokeGrenade <NUM> Give a smoke grenade to yourself
GiveAmmo <NUM> Give ammo to yourself
DisconnectAll Disconnect everyone from the server
AddBot <NUM> Add a bot to the server
KillBots Kill all bots
KickPlayerByName <NAME> Kick player by name
KickPlayerBySteamID <ID> Kick a player by their steam id
ListPartyMembers List all party members
ChangeToTeam <0 or 1> Change yourself to team
State <STATE_NAME> Change the game state to (WaitingToStart, CountdownToStart, SetupRound, PostRound, PostMatch)

Cmd.GetPlayerStats will dump out the entire session player info.